In my opinion, if you are over the age of 18, there really shouldn't be anyone monitoring your reading choices. I mean, seriously, what you read is up to you.
We had a young lady (well over 18) who asked for a novel for Christmas. Her mother bought it for her. The young lady's grandmother started reading it before it was wrapped (HUH?) and decided that it wasn't appropriate reading and instructed the young lady's mother to return it.
Now family is family, and whatever transpired there I don't know, but the mom comes in to return the book and tells me this story. She had the receipt so no matter how absurd I thought the reason for returning it was I would have done it with a smile. Except - and here is the kicker - Grandma was so rough with the book that there was NO WAY it could be returned.
The young woman got the book from mom along with some advice to just not mention it to grandma.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or shake my head......
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
2 days ago
Now I need to know what book it was.
Pretty Little Dirty by Amanda Boyden. I actually liked this novel and so did my mom but I wouldn't recommend it to people to buy for their grandmothers I guess...
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