Customer: I'm looking for a book.
Me: Okay......
Customer: It's about an young man and an older man and their relationship and changing your life.
Me: Could it be Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom?
Customer: Is it pink?
Me: ummm... no......
Customer: Then that's not it. It's pink. Where would I look for a book like that?
Me: Pink books about two guys?
Customer: Yeah.
Me: Umm... I'm not sure.... is it fiction or non-fiction?
Customer: Non-fiction.
Me: Okay, non-fiction is though here ( I sweep my arm across half or so of the shelves)
Customer: How hard can it be to find a pink book?
Me: I'm sorry, we don't have anything sorted by the colour of the cover...
Anyone have a pink-books-about-two-guys section in their book shelves? Anyone?
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
2 days ago
HA! perhaps. i'll have to ask my husband where he picked it up.
your posts take me right back to my bookstore working days...i'm not sure that is a good thing, but it is good to know i was not alone.
Ack - Removed in Error -
Could be.... could be... Is that in the pink-books-about-guys-section where you bought it?
I'm not sure if Frey is allowed to be called non-fiction though! ;)
yes, perhaps there should be an ambiguous section for books with debatable categories.
welcome back, I hope they won't bother you too much. I think every librarian or anybody who works with books gets furious when they describe the book they are looking for by color...
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