Friday, August 22, 2008

A Dog's Life it's not

Customer: Do you have that dog book?
Me: Which dog book were you looking for?
Customer: That dog book that's on the bestseller list.
Me: Okay, was it a training book or like a story about a dog book?
Customer: It's on the bestseller list.
Me: Okay, do you remember which bestseller list you saw it on?
Customer: THE bestseller list
Me: In the Globe, MacLeans, The NewYork Times?
Customer: I don't know.
Me: Okay, was it recently that you saw it or a little while ago?
Customer: I don't know.
Me: Okay, Was it one of Cesar Millan's books? Cesar's Way? Be the Pack Leader?
Customer: No.
Me: Marley and Me? A Dog Year? Katz on Dogs?
Customer: No. I'll just look for it.
Me: Okay. Let me know if I can help with anything else.
Customer after 10 min: Here it is I found it myself.
She has Marley and Me in her hands.

I just smile and wish her a Nice Day.

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